The Unkillable Friend: Tank Ivern Support is the Ultimate Off-Meta Menace!

Think Ivern is just a weird, bush-growing pacifist meant for the jungle? Think again. It’s time to introduce Tank Ivern Support, an off-meta build that turns our happy tree friend into an unkillable, CC-heavy, peel machine that bullies bot lane while keeping your ADC alive longer than a Yuumi game with a fed Draven.

Why Play Tank Ivern Support?

  • Surprising Utility: Shields, slows, CC, and healing make Ivern the ultimate enchanter-tank hybrid.
  • Daisy is a Bouncer: Your adorable golem buddy will tank fights and smack enemies into next week.
  • High Annoyance Factor: Who expects a frontline Ivern with a massive shield and insane durability? No one. And that’s what makes it fun.

Rune Setup: The Bulky Brushmaster

Primary: Resolve (For That Tankiness)

🟢 Guardian – Shields your ADC when you get in their face. Perfect for lane trades.
🟢 Font of Life – Heals your ADC when you CC enemies (which you’ll do A LOT).
🟢 Conditioning – Bulk up for those juicy late-game fights.
🟢 Revitalize – Buffs your shields & healing, making you extra annoying.

Secondary: Inspiration (Because Off-Meta Should Be Fun!)

🔵 Hextech Flashtraption – Surprise engages with bushes and flashes from the fog of war.
🔵 Cosmic Insight – More summoner spell haste means more shields, more saves, more chaos.

Bonus Stats:
📈 +Health Scaling
📈 +Armor or Magic Resist (depending on enemy comp)

Item Build: The Indestructible Elder Tree

Start with:
🌿 Relic Shield – Because we’re tanky, not a poke bot. Get that extra gold and sustain.

Core Items:

🛡️ Locket of the Iron Solari – AoE shield makes your team harder to kill.
🦵 Plated Steelcaps / Mercury’s Treads – Pick depending on the enemy comp.
💪 Knight’s Vow – Link it to your ADC and absorb damage for them.

Situational Items:

Frozen Heart – Great against AD-heavy comps, and reduces attack speed.
🔮 Abyssal Mask – If the enemy has a lot of AP.
🦺 Zeke’s Convergence – Pairs well with Daisy for extra slow and damage.
💖 Warmog’s Armor – If you want infinite health regen and immortality.

Playstyle & Strategies: From Early-Game Menace to Late-Game Raid Boss

Early Game (Level 1-6): Bushes, Shields, & Smacks

  • Level 1: Start E (Triggerseed) for a shield + slow to trade in lane.
  • Level 2: Get Q (Rootcaller) for easy CC setups.
  • Spam Brush (W) to Control Vision! – Drop it in river or lane bushes to help your ADC kite.
  • Use your Q aggressively – Ivern can engage like Thresh, pulling your ADC in for free hits.
  • Abuse your shield – Constant shielding and slows make Ivern deceptively tanky.

Goal: Be an absolute nuisance. Keep your ADC alive while making the enemy support want to rage quit.

Mid Game (Roaming & Becoming an Annoying Raid Boss)

  • Daisy is Here! Once you hit Level 6, your fights become 100x better. Drop Daisy on their faces.
  • Roam with your Jungle & Mid: Your Q and shields make setting up ganks stupidly easy.
  • Peel Like a Pro: Knight’s Vow + Locket = ADC unkillable, enemy frustration at max levels.
  • Objective Control: Use Daisy to help secure dragons, Rift Herald, and Baron.

Goal: Become the team’s unkillable guardian while making Daisy an unstoppable nightmare.

Late Game (Full Tank Mode Activated)

  • Frontline Like a Tanky Support Boss. Stand between your carries and danger.
  • Drop Shields on Everyone. Revitalize and Locket make you the MVP of every fight.
  • Daisy Smacks Towers. Don’t forget, your big rock buddy can tank objectives like a mini-Baron.
  • Disrupt Fights: Root enemies, slow them, and let Daisy slap them into oblivion.

Goal: Protect the carries, disrupt the enemies, and watch the enemy team cry in frustration.

Final Thoughts: The Ultimate Troll Pick That Actually Works

Tank Ivern Support isn’t just a meme – it’s secretly OP if played right. With insane shields, CC, and an unkillable frontline presence, you’ll carry games while making the enemy wonder what they just lost to.

🔥 Try this build and watch the chaos unfold! Let me know how many rage pings you get in the comments!

Be sure to check out more fun builds at