Tank Annie Top – Unkillable, Unstoppable, and Still Flaming Hot! 🔥🛡️
When you think of Annie, you picture a tiny pyromaniac one-shotting mid-laners with a surprise Tibbers drop. But what if I told you she could tank entire teams, lock down enemies, and set everything on fire—while being nearly unkillable? Welcome to Tank Annie Top, an off-meta build that turns this glass cannon into a flaming fortress.
Why Play Tank Annie Top?
✅ Unexpected and hilarious – Your lane opponent will be clueless on how to play against you.
✅ Consistent CC – Every 4th spell stuns, and Tibbers acts like an extra frontline champion.
✅ Great scaling – Heartsteel + Sunfire gives you tons of HP and AoE damage.
✅ Engage like Malphite, burn like Brand – A perfect mix of tankiness and damage!
Ready to shock your enemies? Let’s break down runes, items, and strategies to dominate top lane!
Runes – The Fire Demon’s Secret Power
Here’s the optimal tank Annie rune page:
Primary: Resolve 🌿
- 🟢 Grasp of the Undying – Free HP stacking and extra poke.
- 🟢 Demolish – Faster turret plates = more gold.
- 🟢 Second Wind – Extra sustain vs poke matchups.
- 🟢 Overgrowth – More HP = More tankiness.
Secondary: Inspiration ❄️
- 🔵 Biscuit Delivery – Helps early lane sustain.
- 🔵 Approach Velocity – Chase down stunned enemies faster.
Item Build – The Path to Immortality
Starting Items:
- Doran’s Shield – The best option for sustain.
- Health Potion – Standard early-game survival.
Core Build:
- Heartsteel – Stack HP infinitely, making you a nightmare to kill.
- Sunfire Aegis – Extra tankiness + burn damage.
- Jak’Sho, The Protean – Resistance stacking in fights.
- Thornmail (vs AD) / Force of Nature (vs AP) – Defensive item based on the enemy team.
- Gargoyle Stoneplate – Huge shield in teamfights.
- Abyssal Mask (if vs AP-heavy comp) – Debuff enemy mages.
Boots Options:
- Plated Steelcaps – Vs AD champs.
- Mercury’s Treads – Vs CC-heavy teams.
Early Game – The Slow Burn Strategy
- Last-hit with Q (Disintegrate) to never run out of mana.
- Poke melee opponents with Auto → Q → Auto (Grasp Proc).
- Save your stun for big trades or jungle ganks.
✔️ Easy Matchups: Nasus, Malphite, Ornn.
❌ Hard Matchups: Tryndamere, Fiora.
Mid Game – The Teamfight Problem
By now, you have Heartsteel and Sunfire, making you a tanky monster.
🔥 How to engage:
1️⃣ Flash + R (Tibbers)
2️⃣ W (Incinerate) + Q Stun
3️⃣ Auto for Heartsteel Proc
✔️ Push towers with Tibbers + Demolish.
✔️ Control vision around Herald & Dragon fights.
Late Game – The Unkillable Terror
🔥 Teamfight Gameplan:
1️⃣ Initiate fights with Flash + Tibbers.
2️⃣ Soak damage while your team follows up.
3️⃣ Use CC to peel for your carries.
If your ADC is fed, protect them. If their ADC is squishy, chase them down!
Final Thoughts – Why You Need to Try Tank Annie
🔥 Reasons to play Tank Annie Top:
✅ Still deals massive damage.
✅ Makes top laners rage when they can’t kill you.
✅ Your CC and AoE burns make you unstoppable in teamfights.
Try it out and let us know how it goes! Share your best Tank Annie moments in the comments! 👇🔥
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