Ivern, the Green Father, standing in an enchanted forest with a mystical glow, smiling as he spreads nature's magic around him.

The Unkillable Friend: Tank Ivern Support is the Ultimate Off-Meta Menace!

Think Ivern is just a weird, bush-growing pacifist meant for the jungle? Think again. It’s time to introduce Tank Ivern Support, an off-meta build that turns our happy tree friend into an unkillable, CC-heavy, peel machine that bullies bot lane while keeping your ADC alive longer than a Yuumi game with a fed Draven.

Why Play Tank Ivern Support?

  • Surprising Utility: Shields, slows, CC, and healing make Ivern the ultimate enchanter-tank hybrid.
  • Daisy is a Bouncer: Your adorable golem buddy will tank fights and smack enemies into next week.
  • High Annoyance Factor: Who expects a frontline Ivern with a massive shield and insane durability? No one. And that’s what makes it fun.

Rune Setup: The Bulky Brushmaster

Primary: Resolve (For That Tankiness)

🟢 Guardian – Shields your ADC when you get in their face. Perfect for lane trades.
🟢 Font of Life – Heals your ADC when you CC enemies (which you’ll do A LOT).
🟢 Conditioning – Bulk up for those juicy late-game fights.
🟢 Revitalize – Buffs your shields & healing, making you extra annoying.

Secondary: Inspiration (Because Off-Meta Should Be Fun!)

🔵 Hextech Flashtraption – Surprise engages with bushes and flashes from the fog of war.
🔵 Cosmic Insight – More summoner spell haste means more shields, more saves, more chaos.

Bonus Stats:
📈 +Health Scaling
📈 +Armor or Magic Resist (depending on enemy comp)

Item Build: The Indestructible Elder Tree

Start with:
🌿 Relic Shield – Because we’re tanky, not a poke bot. Get that extra gold and sustain.

Core Items:

🛡️ Locket of the Iron Solari – AoE shield makes your team harder to kill.
🦵 Plated Steelcaps / Mercury’s Treads – Pick depending on the enemy comp.
💪 Knight’s Vow – Link it to your ADC and absorb damage for them.

Situational Items:

Frozen Heart – Great against AD-heavy comps, and reduces attack speed.
🔮 Abyssal Mask – If the enemy has a lot of AP.
🦺 Zeke’s Convergence – Pairs well with Daisy for extra slow and damage.
💖 Warmog’s Armor – If you want infinite health regen and immortality.

Playstyle & Strategies: From Early-Game Menace to Late-Game Raid Boss

Early Game (Level 1-6): Bushes, Shields, & Smacks

  • Level 1: Start E (Triggerseed) for a shield + slow to trade in lane.
  • Level 2: Get Q (Rootcaller) for easy CC setups.
  • Spam Brush (W) to Control Vision! – Drop it in river or lane bushes to help your ADC kite.
  • Use your Q aggressively – Ivern can engage like Thresh, pulling your ADC in for free hits.
  • Abuse your shield – Constant shielding and slows make Ivern deceptively tanky.

Goal: Be an absolute nuisance. Keep your ADC alive while making the enemy support want to rage quit.

Mid Game (Roaming & Becoming an Annoying Raid Boss)

  • Daisy is Here! Once you hit Level 6, your fights become 100x better. Drop Daisy on their faces.
  • Roam with your Jungle & Mid: Your Q and shields make setting up ganks stupidly easy.
  • Peel Like a Pro: Knight’s Vow + Locket = ADC unkillable, enemy frustration at max levels.
  • Objective Control: Use Daisy to help secure dragons, Rift Herald, and Baron.

Goal: Become the team’s unkillable guardian while making Daisy an unstoppable nightmare.

Late Game (Full Tank Mode Activated)

  • Frontline Like a Tanky Support Boss. Stand between your carries and danger.
  • Drop Shields on Everyone. Revitalize and Locket make you the MVP of every fight.
  • Daisy Smacks Towers. Don’t forget, your big rock buddy can tank objectives like a mini-Baron.
  • Disrupt Fights: Root enemies, slow them, and let Daisy slap them into oblivion.

Goal: Protect the carries, disrupt the enemies, and watch the enemy team cry in frustration.

Final Thoughts: The Ultimate Troll Pick That Actually Works

Tank Ivern Support isn’t just a meme – it’s secretly OP if played right. With insane shields, CC, and an unkillable frontline presence, you’ll carry games while making the enemy wonder what they just lost to.

🔥 Try this build and watch the chaos unfold! Let me know how many rage pings you get in the comments!

Be sure to check out more fun builds at HextechHub.com

Goth Annie splash art from League of Legends, depicting Annie in a dark gothic outfit with a menacing shadowy Tibbers.

Tank Annie Top – Unkillable, Unstoppable, and Still Flaming Hot! 🔥🛡️

When you think of Annie, you picture a tiny pyromaniac one-shotting mid-laners with a surprise Tibbers drop. But what if I told you she could tank entire teams, lock down enemies, and set everything on fire—while being nearly unkillable? Welcome to Tank Annie Top, an off-meta build that turns this glass cannon into a flaming fortress.

Why Play Tank Annie Top?

Unexpected and hilarious – Your lane opponent will be clueless on how to play against you.
Consistent CC – Every 4th spell stuns, and Tibbers acts like an extra frontline champion.
Great scalingHeartsteel + Sunfire gives you tons of HP and AoE damage.
Engage like Malphite, burn like Brand – A perfect mix of tankiness and damage!

Ready to shock your enemies? Let’s break down runes, items, and strategies to dominate top lane!

Runes – The Fire Demon’s Secret Power

Here’s the optimal tank Annie rune page:

Primary: Resolve 🌿

Secondary: Inspiration ❄️

Item Build – The Path to Immortality

Starting Items:

Core Build:

  1. Heartsteel – Stack HP infinitely, making you a nightmare to kill.
  2. Sunfire Aegis – Extra tankiness + burn damage.
  3. Jak’Sho, The Protean – Resistance stacking in fights.
  4. Thornmail (vs AD) / Force of Nature (vs AP) – Defensive item based on the enemy team.
  5. Gargoyle Stoneplate – Huge shield in teamfights.
  6. Abyssal Mask (if vs AP-heavy comp) – Debuff enemy mages.

Boots Options:

Early Game – The Slow Burn Strategy

  1. Last-hit with Q (Disintegrate) to never run out of mana.
  2. Poke melee opponents with Auto → Q → Auto (Grasp Proc).
  3. Save your stun for big trades or jungle ganks.

✔️ Easy Matchups: Nasus, Malphite, Ornn.
Hard Matchups: Tryndamere, Fiora.

Mid Game – The Teamfight Problem

By now, you have Heartsteel and Sunfire, making you a tanky monster.

🔥 How to engage:
1️⃣ Flash + R (Tibbers)
2️⃣ W (Incinerate) + Q Stun
3️⃣ Auto for Heartsteel Proc

✔️ Push towers with Tibbers + Demolish.
✔️ Control vision around Herald & Dragon fights.

Late Game – The Unkillable Terror

🔥 Teamfight Gameplan:
1️⃣ Initiate fights with Flash + Tibbers.
2️⃣ Soak damage while your team follows up.
3️⃣ Use CC to peel for your carries.

If your ADC is fed, protect them. If their ADC is squishy, chase them down!

Final Thoughts – Why You Need to Try Tank Annie

🔥 Reasons to play Tank Annie Top:
✅ Still deals massive damage.
✅ Makes top laners rage when they can’t kill you.
✅ Your CC and AoE burns make you unstoppable in teamfights.

Try it out and let us know how it goes! Share your best Tank Annie moments in the comments! 👇🔥

🚀 For more insane League builds, follow HextechHub! 🚀

🎲 HextechHub’s New League of Legends Random Build Generator – Are You Ready for the Ultimate Challenge?

🎲 HextechHub’s New League of Legends Random Build Generator – Are You Ready for the Ultimate Challenge?

Summoners, gather round!

We’ve just dropped an insane new feature on HextechHub that is going to completely change the way you play League of Legends. Whether you’re a meta-slave or a chaos enthusiast, this League of Legends Random Build Generator is here to shake up your ranked experience (or troll your friends in normal games – we won’t judge).

💥 Think you’re good at League? Prove it! 💥

🛠 What’s the Random Build Generator?

This isn’t just some basic item randomizer—this bad boy generates an entire build for you, including:

A Random Champion – Say goodbye to your one-trick comfort picks!
Six Completely Random Items – Yes, even if you get Attack Speed on an AP Mage 😈
Full Rune Page Setup – Primary & Secondary Paths + Keystone
Rune Shards – Because stats matter!
Summoner Spells – Flash? Exhaust? Maybe even Smite mid?

Everything is fully automated and displayed in a clean, easy-to-read format. Oh, and did we mention? It looks sick too. 🖼️

🔥 Why Should You Try It?

Break Out of the Meta – Tired of seeing the same picks? This forces creativity.
Fun & Engaging – Challenge yourself and friends to win with crazy builds.
Great for Content Creators – Streamers & YouTubers, this is gold for challenge runs!
Perfect for ARAM Enthusiasts – Add a new layer of randomness to your all-random games.
Simple & Fast – One click, and your build is ready!

🚀 How to Use It

1️⃣ Head over to the Random Build Generator on HextechHub.
2️⃣ Click the “Generate Build” button.
3️⃣ Instantly receive a fully random setup with champion, items, runes, and summoners.
4️⃣ Try it in-game and see if you can win with what you’ve been given! 😏

💬 What Do You Think?

We want to hear your craziest wins and funniest fails! Did you somehow carry as full-tank Soraka? Or maybe you got Yasuo with no crit items? Share your experiences in the comments, and let’s build a community of mad scientists and rogue summoners!

🔥 Ready to Test Your Luck?

Click below and embrace the chaos!

👉 Try the League of Legends Random Build Generator Now!

GLHF, and may RNGesus bless your build! 🎲🎮